About us
We are a vibrant Elim Church aiming to be an oasis in the desert of life. Seeking to bring God's Peace, Power and Presence into the world. Being a Beacon of Light in the Darkness, Hope to the hopeless and Peace to the restless through the power of God's Holy Spirit.
We are a Family Church full of all ages and many nationalities. We want the church to be a family and home for all people.
Our activities
It's so hard to encapsulate everything we do in words on a website but we hope to show you some of our weekly activities and groups
You are welcome to join us on Sundays at 10:30
Throughout the week home groups run in people's homes. Sometimes they are social, and sometimes they are bible study or interest-related. They are a great time to get to know others from the church and deepen relationships as a church family. We recommend that you go to one or start one emailing the office and we can introduce you further: office@beaconchurch.org.uk
Friday Nights 19:00 - 21:00 in the Beacon Centre we have a Church based youth group that meets learn about God and deepen relationships with each other. Subs £1 for ages 11-17.
Weekly prayers
Held at a member's home or at the church, our prayers do not discriminate and are open to all members of the community.
Annual gatherings
Limitless Festival - Raising up a limitless generation. A faithful and faith-filled generation.
Bible groups
Our Bible reading groups meet up on Wednesdays between 19:00 and 21:00 during the week.